Scientific Conferences Management Solution “SCON”

Imagine walking through a scientific conference from the comfort of your home. Re-creating this experience for the audience is not only crucial but also entertaining.

You can navigate between rooms and live sessions, ask questions to consultants or experts, browse libraries of scientific content

A scientific conference management solution is a valuable tool for organizers who want to save time and money, and create a more professional and enjoyable experience for participants.


Clean Design

The design of SCON is extraordinarily lovely, tidy, and straightforward.

Plenty of Features

You can use a variety of functions with SCON.

User Friendly

SCON is a program that is incredibly intuitive and simple to use.

SCON also provide participants with tools to network and collaborate with each other, such as chat rooms, discussion forums, and private messaging. A huge addition to event organizers is analytics and reports on participant registration, attendance, and engagement